  1. R Value

From the recording Climate Country Radio


Sure takes a lot to heat or cool this old house
Oh, maybe you need more R value! 
R Value? What’s that?
R stands for Resistance, it’s how they rate insulation!

R Value, R Value, R Value
Resistance to heat flow
Cooler when it’s hot, when it’s hot
And warmer when it’s cold

We’re talkin fiberglass, cellulose, denim and spray foam, hempwool, mineral wool, polyiso, I don’t know how long this list goes on, anyhow 

Add it to your attics and sidewalls, space where critters crawl,and since most (not all) can dampen sound, right in the wall near your neighbor who snores too loud

R Value, R Value, R Value
Resistance to heat flow
Cooler when it’s hot, when it’s hot
And warmer when it’s cold

It can lower your heat bills, lower your cool bills, use less energy, do it more comfortably, and your HVAC won’t have to work so hard

And if you insulate, you might get a rebate, from the state, check for updates, plus money for heat pumps, electric stoves and electric cars!

R Value, R Value, R Value
Resistance to heat flow
Cooler when it’s hot, when it’s hot
And warmer when it’s cold